Montag, 1. Dezember 2014

Apple canes and local plant centre

I have given the apple tree a major prune.  It was a nice shape until last spring and then it sent dozens of thin runners vertically upwards on all the branches.  I have got it back to a reasonable shape and size, which led to two nice side effects:
  • I got to use my ultra-powerful electric garden shredder.  It is a fantastic thing even if I can barely lift it (33 kg) and it uses too much power (2.2 kW) for my generator.  All the thin bits of tree gut chopped up and used as mulch at home on the new flower beds.
  • I managed to create a bunch of decent apple canes which I can use for my peas, dahlias, whatever next spring.
Apple canes ready for Spring 2015

Also, I enjoyed a visit to the new-ish local garden centre (Löwer).  We were there for a tour from Hrn Löwer where he explained to us all the latest technology used in designing, building and operating his business in Roßdorf.  And we got a little plant to take home at the end.

Plenty of primulas

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