Donnerstag, 27. Februar 2014

T + 12 days

Nearly two weeks after the move and there are signs of things getting finished off here and there.

We have unpacked and returned 80% of the house moving boxes.  The tricky ones are saved to last and mainly hidden in the cellar.

Yesterday the handrails for the stairs were fitted so the stairs are basically finished now.

There is still no final front door, but this should come on Thursday next week (...).  Outside there is plenty still to be done but a lot will have to wait until April.  The risk of frost has to be gone so that the exterior plastering can be done; then the drive way and path can be laid, etc.

Today they are smashing down the little trees in the corner of the field just across the stream.  I haven't seen the results yet, but apparently it is quite dramatic.

Just after the removal men had left

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