As the season draws to a close I have tidied up a large part of the beds at the allotment. The big hits this year were the chili peppers and the cosmos flowers. The chili plants have each produced a hand full of hot red chili peppers each week. The cosmos planted themselves and gave been a riot of colour for ten weeks now. The frost should get them soon.
Chilis and a couple of yellow marigolds |
Meanwhile, nearer home, the preparation work for our orchard is well underway. The soil has been "worked" and the fencing should be going up in the next couple of days. We spotted some mallow growing near where the willow tree was before it fell down. Most of this has been cleared for the orchard, but some remains and I think it looks really nice. I have also tried eating the leaves, flowers, et c.; they are not bad either.
Mallow |